Sugar Palm Tree Translator Result - លទ្ធផល​កម្មវិធី​បកប្រែ​ដើម​ត្នោត​

Original Phrase - ឃ្លា​ដើម​
] of furniture[
] and stuff[
] in addition[
] to that[
]. Then I went[
] up to the front[
] counter[
], and the [
]lady [
]at the front[
] was so impressed with [
] and she was [
]showing me[
] these things[
] that she had [
]in her [
]display [
]. First[
] she [
]showed me[
] a [
] music[
] box[
] rocking [
] with this [
] that was made[
] out of this [
]really, really [
]soft material[
], and it was [
] and stuff[
]. And then she [
]showed me[
] this [
]snow globe[
] that was in the [
]shape of a[
] Santa[
] face[
]. It was[
] flat[
] and it was [
], and when you [
] it upside down[
], the [
]lyrics to [
]anta Claus[
] is[
] Com[
]ing to [
] each[
] word[
] was on[
] a little[
] black [
]piece of plastic[
] and they would [
] just kind of [
] into place[
] and be[
] suspend[
]ed in the water[
], and you'd [
] it up[
] again[
]. And then[
] last[
]ly she [
]showed me[
] this [
]snow globe[
] that had a [
] in it[
], and it was [
]like the one[
] with two [
]s from[
] Allison[
] that [
]. And it was [
]part of that [
]. And she [
]gave me the [
]rocking horse[
] and the [
] for half[
] price[
], but I[
] wasn't really [
]interested in the [
]snow globe[
]. A[

Report a bad translation - រាយការណ៍​ការ​បកប្រែ​អត់​ត្រូវ​

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