Sugar Palm Tree Translator Result - លទ្ធផល​កម្មវិធី​បកប្រែ​ដើម​ត្នោត​

Original Phrase - ឃ្លា​ដើម​
]. I wonder if[
] it is[
] blowing up[
]. I [
]turn back[
] and keep[
] going [
]noticing that the [
] is gone[
] and the [
] is[
] wet and [
]muddy [
]and we[
] could get[
] stuck[
]. I [
]push on[
] anyway[
]. Now[
], I am[
] pedal[
]ing [
]a bicycle[
], with[
] Dwight[
] riding on the [
]. We[
] turn[
] to the right[
] and go[
] past[
] some[
] construction[
]. The road is [
]. We then[
] go down[
] a [
]steep hill[
] and are [
] the water's edge[
], through[
] a lot of [
]muddy [
]. I wonder if[
] I'm[
] even[
] going the right[
] way, or[
] if[
] I shall have to [
]turn back[
] and back[
]. Wasted [
]time and [
]. Then[
], I want[
] Dwight[
] to help[
] pedal[
]. I see a [
]police car[
] directing the [
]detour [
] ahead and [
]I go[
] toward them[
] to ask for [
]. I hear[
] a[
] Frank Sinatra[
] tune[
] being [
], "My [
]. Is she[
] blind, [
]is she[
] thin, [
]does she[
] wear[
] stars[
] on her dress[
]? No[
]." I[
] hear[
] a group[
] singing a song[
] and am[
] drawn[
] to it[
]. I [
]stand and [
]. It is a [
]love song[
] and very [
] and I[
] feel so [
]sad and [
] because[
] I don't have [
] to love[
] and[
] want it[
] very much[
]. I wonder if[
] my face[
] is [
]ing my [
]. Later[

Report a bad translation - រាយការណ៍​ការ​បកប្រែ​អត់​ត្រូវ​

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