Sugar Palm Tree Translator Result - លទ្ធផល​កម្មវិធី​បកប្រែ​ដើម​ត្នោត​

Original Phrase - ឃ្លា​ដើម​
], but he [
] that would [
] confuse[
] him[
]. He'd [
]rather [
] with just the [
]. Inside the [
] I was [
]making [
] bran[
] in the [
]. The bowl[
] was too high[
] but I[
] filled it[
] anyway[
]. With the [
]ing of the boat[
], [
] and milk[
] had [
]ed all[
] inside the [
]. We were[
] in the [
]parking lot of [
] Plaza[
]. It was very [
]late at night[
]. or[
] in the morning[
]. Kid[
]s were there[
], black[
] children[
], as part of [
] after school[
] program[
] called "S[
] Out[
]." They had [
]to [
]stay till[
] their parents[
] sign[
]ed them out[
]. I was[
] watching and [
]playing with [
]'s group[
]. She was [
]an inquisitive[
] little girl[
]. We [
]set up[
] mathematical [
] on the ground[
] of the [
]parking lot[
]. When[
] William[
] came[
] to help[
] she was [
]mesmerized by [
]. He sat[
] and played [
] with her [
]letting her[
] figure out how to [
] things together[
]. The[
] Supervisor[
] came to [
]check on[
] things[
]. All[
] she [
] was the [
]state of the [
] door[
]. A door[
] frame[
] was sitting [
]next to the door[
]way, [
]not [
]. She [
]pointed at[
] what[
] part[
] to [
] off[
] and fix it[
] inside[
] the f[

Report a bad translation - រាយការណ៍​ការ​បកប្រែ​អត់​ត្រូវ​

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